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​​​What was Trending?​

Trending was a new concept clothing bank that provided good quality free clothing to people living in Middlesbrough. Actes initially secured funding from the Talent Match Middlesbrough's Innovation Fund and Middlesbrough's Financial Inclusion Group to open Trending, which aimed to reduce the stigma attached to receiving clothing donations. More recently it secured funds from the National Lottery Community Fund. The project aimed to supply formal, casual clothing and work wear to individuals so that they could be better equipped for employment, education and training. It also provided casual clothing for those without disposable income.



Trending received the 2017 Community Health Development Award from the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) for its contribution to community health and wellbeing.



Who did it help?

Trending supplied clothing to people living in Middlesbrough.


What support was available?

Trending provided good quality clothing which had been washed, ironed and made fit for purpose to those who needed it. People could access free clothing from the boutique-inspired Trending shop which was supported by the Trending Facebook page. We hoped that this enabled people to accept free clothing donations with dignity as though they were receiving the same shopping experience that they might get from any high street or online retailer.


Trending also provided opportunities for volunteering in Middlesbrough to people who would benefit from work experience.

Actes Trending logo
The National Lottery Community Fund logo
Middlesbrough Council logo
Actes Talent Match logo
Middlesbrough Financial Inclusion Group logo

trending gallery

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