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​What was Talent Match Middlesbrough?

Talent Match Middlesbrough was a five-year Big Lottery funded young person-led project, which aimed to engage, inspire and support 500 young people aged 18-24 from the most deprived wards in Middlesbrough who had been unemployed for 12 months or more.


It set out to help 400 young people with improved confidence, motivation, self-esteem and skills, and it set out to support 100 young people into employment or enterprise sustained for six months or more.

When did Talent Match Middlesbrough operate?

Talent Match Middlesbrough operated between December 2013 and December 2018.


Who was involved in Talent Match Middlesbrough?

The project was based on a partnership approach between Actes Trust and the Prince's Trust, with the latter acting as lead partner. Young people actively engaged in the development, design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the project.


What practical support did Talent Match Middlesbrough provide?

As part of the project, we employed two Actes Trust Talent Match Youth Advocates who developed meaningful connections in communities and engaged with and supported young people through personal development activities to help build confidence and overcome barriers.


Through a blend of one-to-one support, life-coaching and guidance, they helped young people to navigate and access training and employment opportunities


What was the impact of Talent Match Middlesbrough?

During the lifespan of the project Talent Match supported 457 young people, helping 105 into sustained employment, 137 into training and 186 into volunteering roles.

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