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Actes Green Shoots project logo

​​What was Green Shoots?

Green Shoots was a partnership of locally based organisations, led by Middlesbrough Environment City supported through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fourteen-month project engaged local people in practical action to improve our green environment, through volunteering and training opportunities.

The partnership included Actes Trust, Linx Youth Project and The Other Perspective, and worked particularly with young people, ethnically diverse communities, refugees and asylum seekers.


Focussing on Middlesbrough’s local wildlife sites, the partnership helped to improve and manage habitats, making them even better for wildlife. Through involvement, participants also developed practical nature conservation skills and employability skills.

The project was built on the success of previous projects including One Planet Pioneers, part of the National Lottery Community Fund Our Bright Future project, and also helped support other communities in Middlesbrough to make a positive difference.​

National Lottery Heritage Fund logo
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