​​​What are the Actes Trust Work Clubs?
The Actes Trust Work Clubs provide information, advice and guidance to residents of Middlesbrough looking for employment to help them move closer to or into work. They were funded by Actes Trust as part of our charitable objectives.
When do the Actes Trust Work Clubs run?
The Work Clubs run every Thursday and Friday at our Acklam Green Centre, Stainsby Road, Middlesbrough, TS5 4JS from 9am - 3pm.
What practical support do the Actes Trust Work Clubs provide?
The Work Clubs provide support around CV development, job search/applications, interview skills, general career advice, setting up e-mail accounts and managing Universal Credit online accounts. The Work Clubs also provide support with improving soft skills and self-confidence which we know can act as a barrier to employment.
How can I get involved?
If you are aged 16+ and live in Middlesbrough and would like to gain support with your journey into employment, you can refer yourself to the Actes Trust Work Club by:
Email: nick.morton@actes.co.uk
Telephone: 07903 730 376